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»*About Us*«

Names: Cheska and Lexi
Ages: 22 and 23
Country:US, baby!
Hobbies:Posting, reading, writing, horseback riding(Ches), and um... Cheese!
LUVS!!!: Cheese! Food! Ferrets! InuYasha! Movies! Orange(Ches)! Purple(Lex)!
Favs: InuYasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku


October 2005 December 2005


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Video games

Monday, December 26, 2005
New Game Review and the Blue Screen of Death...

So, yeah, right now at my parents' place, watching John Mayer doing a live concert... But this blog isn't for random things. First of all, the Blue Screen of Death: Lexi's machine bit it, just in the middle of the night while playing Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, which blows hardcore, considering 1. we had no backup within a month's time and 2. It's like, the fourth machine we've gone through in 12 months. Seriously. Mine died three times, like, the final death and all that, and then hers died. It's pretty crappy, we lost a lot. Our Vampire games, the Sims 2 games(although we do have some incredibly early backups of those houses), and my personal favorite: Black and White 2. I wanted to cry. But, btw, to anybody who's reading, you should play all three of those games, they kick major ass. Oh, yeah, well, you'll need a pretty good video card to play all three of them, which, of course, I shelled out like, oh, a hundred dollars to buy before my comp went kaput. But I'm trying not to brood about everything we lost. Lemme try a quick format to our game reviews... I'm only going to take Black and White 2 at the moment, I've gotta go to lunch...

Black and White 2

Console: PC only *pouts*

Grade: A-

Type of Game: God game

Concept: You're a god. Take over the world and do whatever you want along the way. Yeah, I said whatever you want.

Review: Loved it! Rocked, of course, just like the first one, but even better. You really could do absolutely anything you wanted in the first one, you can do the same in this one. I loved the added features of being able to impress other towns into migrating to your home base. In the first game, you had to go over to the other village and attempt to impress them there, which is insanely difficult when your Circle of Influence (where you can cast miracles and do normal things) doesn't stretch that far, so you pretty much had to resort to throwing fireballs and lightning to even get them to notice you. Now, if your city gets bigger and more awesome, people will want to come to your place and live there, which is freakin' awesome. And they bring all of their worldly goods with them, thusly increasing your inventory of stuff you need. There are also some fun side quests aka: Silver Scrolls, and tons of things you can do with your creature. Yes, the creatures are still there, but you can't transfer them from your first game or Creature Isle, which was Black and White's expansion pack. Which, is a bit of a problem for me, cause I loved my creature. Your creature again grows from infancy to adulthood depending on how long you play, which is pretty cool, depending on what the creature is, it changes appearances as it gets older. I do know that the lion will eventually gain a full mane, which is cool. You can also create troops and go to war, if the mood strikes you, which can be fun, but you've gotta be careful, war usually goes down as an evil act, and the game will adjust accordingly.

There are only a few cons to this game, one of which being, you can only choose from four types of creatures in the beginning, three of which were the beginning creatures from the first game: The lion, the cow, and the ape, and they added the wolf, which I chose. But, the problem happens to be, even if you see other breeds of creatures through the game (there is a tiger in one level) you can't switch them anymore! You used to be able to, and now, you can't, which kinda sucks. Secondly, it's very hard, as in the first game, to get your people to breed. For some unknown reason, you can create a ton of Breeder Disciples, and all of them will wind up standing around the local tavern and doing absolutely nothing to increase your population. And, even better, when they get old, they can no longer breed. Great for realism, sucks for your population when they all grow old together and you've got about ten children out of a thousand population city. Which, I'm telling you, actually happens sometimes. Plus, they shortened the list of miracles that you can cast, drastically. I think you can really only cast maybe, MAYBE ten miracles, at the most, and that includes the four wonders that you have to pay a whole lot of tribute to get. I mean, yeah, the first game was all about miracle casting and stuff, and now you don't really have to do that anymore, but it still gets a little difficult to do stuff without the full range of miracles at your disposal. Also, the full range of damage the other cities can do to you can be insanely devastating. At the moment, namely the Earthquake miracle, which literally rips a huge cavern in the middle of your town and swallows up like, half of your population in fatalities. It's nasty. I want it.

All in all, an excellent game, I loved the first, loved the expansion, and I love this one. Get it, but be prepared with a very good video card, otherwise the greatness of this game will be lost on your insanely slow computer.

Later, and hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Cheska found you @ 10:19 AM
